5. Extremes never seen before in the options market today so far as heavy buying into Citibank calls drives the markets to insane odds. With an ISEE above 300 but should come down a bit over the day.All Securities Time | Calls | Puts | Total | ISEE | 10:50 | 421815 | 131761 | 553576 | 320 | 10:30 | 362761 | 103351 | 466112 | 351 | 10:10 | 292705 | 75692 | 368397 | 387 | 09:50 | 225596 | 42499 | 268095 | 531 | | All Equities Only Calls | Puts | Total | ISEE | 317058 | 66744 | 383802 | 475 | 267849 | 45582 | 313431 | 588 | 203571 | 36841 | 240412 | 553 | 142492 | 19749 | 162241 | 722 | | All Indices & ETFs Only Calls | Puts | Total | ISEE | 104753 | 65005 | 169758 | 161 | 94908 | 57766 | 152674 | 164 | 89130 | 38848 | 127978 | 229 | 83101 | 22748 | 105849 | 365 | |
6. More extremes
Nasdaq Cumulative TICK Of 5,300 At Highest Since 2002, Relative Put/Call Ratio At Most Extreme Ever: The Bubble Is Now Fully Back
The latest confirmation of the stock market bubble comes from Sentiment Trader which points out that yesterday's Nasdaq TICK almost passed an all time high, yet settled down...to 8 year high levels. As ST points out: "There were only three other dates that even come close to the current extreme: October 4, 2001: The NDX was coming off a major low, but still backed off for 3 days before rising again. May 2, 2002: The NDX dropped hard for the next 3 days. May 15, 2002: The NDX managed to rise a bit for the next 2 days, then rolled over into a major decline. Since then, the TICK hasn't managed to get above +4000 at any point, even intraday, much less to the +5300 level it closed at yesterday. Truly remarkable." Ben Bernanke has now succeeded at convincing virtually everyone that moral hazard is the right approach to dealing with an insolvent financial system.

And for another indication of just how overbought the market is, Sentiment Trader also points out that the equity-only Put/Call ratio dropped to 0.32, the lowest reading since January 16, 2004, which on a relative basis is 45% below six-month average. The conclusion: " That, my friends, has never happened before (at least going back to 1997)."

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