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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mr Madoff has one thing for sure 'Chuzpe' - that's something I cannot say about Obama

When that happens I think its time for a revolution. By the way you will not read about anywhere but the governments have already secret meetings and preparing for situations where the people will demand justice and and unrest might occur. They are happening already in many countries but the media keeps a very low profile on reporting about them. As they are controlled and they do want to keep things under control by not reporting special things as they might ignite other things.
Ism't Madoff a guy with great chuzpe as he claims his wife should keep 70 mil worth of assets that are symptomatic issues these days as all thieves from the elite club take the stolen money public ally and the US administration doeas not care or dare to tangle them. Where is the 'change' President Obama - what I see so far are things any regular government would have done to calm down the people but no real change. Throwing 1 tril of good taxpayer money at 2 greedy and ruthless financial institutions who took insane risks and just to give a fraction of that to the 'people'. - I got no excuse for that and I do not mean to say that the Reps would have done any better (rather the opposite). The world really needs change , from the scratch or things will change but not to our liking as the situation is far from a regular they will solve it somehow away.


Madoff Wants Wife to Keep $70 Million: Report

Financier Bernard Madoff said his wife should be allowed to keep nearly $70 million worth of assets held in her name, including the Manhattan penthouse where he is currently under house arrest, because they are unrelated to his alleged fraud, the Wall Street Journal reported.
Madoff's wife has not been charged with any wrongdoing.

Her assets include the $7 million penthouse, $45 million of municipal bonds, and $17 million at a bank, according to the report.

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