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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

brainstorming tuesday

1 The endgame of this final wave is a DC tolerated market manipulation as Wallstreet can lift markets to phony levels which allows them to cash in undeserved profits on fake prices. It happens with a total Lunar Eclipse exactly on the winter solistice ( happened last time 1638) this one is even more special as it has a combination of patterns with other planets which is likely only to happen once in a few thousand years so we have no real history of what markets or the general energy was. Still we can try to extract it but it is a very complex pattern with plenty contradicting things which make sense if you create a synthesis.
a) We have a very benign part to start with the good part as Chiron and Neptun are conjunct bin a close trigon angle. Which is what marks ( will mark) a substantial high within the next 3-6 months. The ancient saying was where it can be seen a king will die and make place for a new one. It is America mostly North and South.
b) the other big pattern which I mentioned in earlier posts is a T-Square with the Uranus Jupiter conjunction on one hand and Pluto North Node conjunction at the other end. This is an extreme rare pattern with a combination of 3 conjunctions at the same time in close angle hence something very unique is about to unfold the T-Square's implication is what we already are experiencing on one hand that is the extreme weather ( some regions already report the coldest winter in a century- I am afraid that is to carry on for quite a while) with plenty of snow or rain. Financial markets will also be effected by big volatility as the Jupiter Uranus conjunction will generate big swings only that Mercury is retrogade slows it down a bit but only until the 3oth Dec. and the exact and 3 conjunction of Jupiter Uranus is on the 4th Jan. Which is also the day we will have a partial Solar Eclipse in exact square to Saturn which is rather evil in nature hence we can expect a rally into the first week of Jan to carry on and make some wild swings thereafter to the downside as also plenty of tech indicators will switch to Code RED 1st week of Jan.
Besides all life will be impacted by those energies hence the Holidays will be very erratic in nature good on one hand but also plenty of downside and eruption of aggressions.

2. sentiment has reached extremes below just one sample of an overall fact as also ISE call Put ratios are extreme or Rydex and at the same time breath of the market is weak.

Blank Image
MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2010Blank Image
High bullish readings in the Consensus stock index or in the Market Vane stock index usually are signs of Market tops; low ones, market bottoms.
Last Week2 Weeks Ago.3 Weeks Ago
Consensus Index
Consensus Bullish Sentiment60%59%50%
Source: Consensus Inc., P.O. Box 520526,Independence, Mo.
Historical data available at (800) 383-1441.
AAII Index
Source: American Association of Individual Investors,
625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611 (312) 280-0170.
Market Vane
Bullish Consensus59%58%52%
Source: Market Vane, P.O. Box 90490,
Pasadena, CA 91109 (626) 395-7436.
FC Market Sentiment
Source: First Coverage 260 Franklin St., Suite 900
Boston, MA 02110-3112 (617) 303-0180.
FC Market Sentiment is a proprietary indicator derived from actionable sell-side trade ideas sent by the sell-side to their buy-side clients over the First Coverage platform. Over 1,000 institutional sales people at more than 250 firms participate on the First Coverage platform and have contributed hundreds of thousands of ideas since inception. Each Idea is associated with a ticker or sector and is tagged bullish or bearish by the creator. This data is aggregated at the sector, industry and market level. The FC Market Sentiment score ranges from 0-100 (0=most bearish, 50=neutral, and 100=most bullish) and represents a completely objective, real-time view into what advice the sell-side is providing to their buy-side clients

Citigroup Panic/Euphoria Model
Market Sentiment

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