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Monday, September 29, 2008

Politicians do not get it - let aside the Bush gang

Ms. Pelosi's remark that the party is over does neither speak for her wisdom nor gives me the confidence that she understands the situation. But thats true for almost all politican's including the two candidates especially disappointing is Obama in this context. Every day now is crucial, extremely crucial as we can see by the simple fact that although a bailout was announced 2 big banks collapsed and at least 2 are at the brink (although its far higher my calculation shows potential hidden losses of 5 tril with a potential to be bigger even).
This is not about a bailout of wallstreet with the exception that having made a big present to JP Morgan on how the situation was handled on the Bear Stearns case. The situation is that we have to deal with a systematic armageddon in the financial system with looming losses of around 6 tril and the potential for an exponential factor when the system collapses. I am not trying to take the side of Paulson who should be fired right away for insane incompetence. The party is over comes 6 months to 5 years to late to say the least while everybody watched paying out record bonus as the crisis was already unfolding in Jan/Feb 2008 - to come now and say the party is over is as reckless as she claims wallstreet to be. Democrats took over the houses a while ago and I do not remember an effort to stop the banks from doing insane investments and enforcing stronger oversight. When Paulson/Bernanke were sitting infront of the banking committee's they were praised ao by Dems until recently when it became unpopular to do so. This two gentleman could have been stopped and even more so Greenspan who is in charge for the bubbles and some damage avoided. Most disappointing is the approach of Obama who claims the change but walks the classic approach of campaigning - the six weeks to the election and the remaining 3 months of Bush administration make the difference of deep recession to depression. Its not appropriate to make some populistic speeches and not to act right now. I think McCainis is sout of question because he is on the wrong path praising tax cuts (Bush's tax cuts have not done any good obviously except for the very priveledged ones) and surrounded by the wrong people the same people who brought us into this mess.
I am afraid I have to agree with Jim Rogers who say both do not understand the situation and cannot deal with this crisis finally. None of both presented anything close to a solution for this crises instead they stick to their schedules and fight about how to deal with Iran and ignore the severe situation of the economy. I saw Ahmadinejad in his CNN interview with a big smile on his face - Bush allowed for the biggest terrorist attack on American soil by an enemy within. Greedy CEO bankers destroyed the backbone of the US economy - its not the regular trader he can only operate within rigid rules within the bank - the top executives made the calls to make trillions of insane investments and got last year 3 bil. of bonus for that - one of them (not the last 2 years) is Paulson the Secretary of the Treasury - who claimed in various interviews a few months ago that the US financial system was strong and sound - I have nothing to add.

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